Die Beta ist zuende und jeder konnte seine eindrücke gewinnen. Nun haben findige bastler bei neogaf.com den
Code von Titanfall etwas zerlegt und dabei interissantes zu Tage gefördert.
Ganz klar gesagt sei aber das es nur ein Gerücht bleibt solange bis es ein Offizielles Statement geben wird. Nachzulesen im original hier
| 6 Gamemodes
- Attrition
- Pilot Hunter
- Capture the Flag
- Hardpoint Domination
- Last Titan Standing
- Variety Mode (Mix Mode)
| 22 Piloten und Titanen Perks
- Fast Autoloader
- Auto Eject
- Dead Man's Trigger
- Icepick
- Power Cell
- Guardian Chip
- Run N Gun Kit
- Explosives Pack
- Quick Reload Kit
- Stealth Kit
- Enhanced Parkour Kit
- Warpfall Transmitter
- Dome-Shield Battery
- Minion Detector
- Tactical Reactor
- Regen Booster
- Dash Quickcharger
- Nuclear Ejection
- Big Punch
- Core Extender
- Core Accelerator
- Survivor
| 14 Fähigkeiten und Kampfmittel
Taktische Piloten fähigkeiten
- Tarnung - Cloak
- Heilung und laufgeschwindigkeit - Stim
- Sonar - Active Radar Pulse
- Arc Grenade
- Frag Grenade
- Arc Mine
- Satchel Charge
Taktische Titanen fähigkeiten
- Vortex Shield
- Electric Smoke
- Particle Wall
- Rocket Salvo
- Slaved Warheads
- Cluster Missle
- Multi-Target Missles
| 15 neue + die Beta Map's

Parts salvaged from this old IMC shipwreck are sent into the valley below for further processing.

Militia special forces set up a Long-Range Desert Patrol outpost in an abandoned IMC reservoir.

Trainings Ground
IMC Pilot training programs conducted here have a 98 percent fatality rate. Only the strong survive.

Extensive IMC research on wildlife repulsor technology was once conducted at this facility.

Smugglers Cove
Part arms-bazaar and part pirate enclave, Smuggler's Cove is famous for its selection of mercenaries and black-market kits.

IMC Airbase Sierra is defended against local wildlife by the latest generation of repulsor tower technology.

IMC and Militia forces clash in the close-quarters of an uncharted rural colony.

Applied Robotics labs on the Frontier such as this one, developed the IMC's Spectre automated infantry unit.

An IMC carrier makes an emergency landing on a small fishing village in the Freeport system.

IMC forces move in to pacify a backwater agricultural outpost suspected of harboring Militia personnel.

Demeter is a critical fuelling station for IMC forces making the jump into the Frontier.

Outpost 207
Orbital defense cannons stationed at high altitude defend against the incursion of hostile capital ships.

| Die Level unlocks
- R-97 Compact SMG - 6
- Arc Grenade - 7
- Stim - 8
- Longbow-DMR Sniper - 9
- Slaved Warheads - 11
- Electric Smoke - 12
- Fast Autoloader - 13
- Warpfall Transmitter - 14
- Plasma Railgun - 16
- Satchel Charge - 17
- G2A4 Rifle - 18
- Active Radar Pulse - 19
- Arc Cannon - 21
- Mag Launcher Anti-Titan - 22
- Core Extender - 22
- Cluster Missile - 24
- Particle Wall - 26
- B3 Wingman - 27
- Triple Threat - 28
- Hemlok BF-R - 29
- Arc Mine - 31
- Multi-Target Missile System - 32
- Charge Rifle Anti-Titan - 33
- C.A.R.SMG - 34
- Run N Gun Kit - 36
- Dead Man's Trigger - 37
- Dash Quickcharger - 38
- Spitfire LMG - 39
- Big Punch - 41
- Quick Reload Kit - 42
- Icepick - 43
- Kraber-AP Sniper - 44
- Tactical Reactor - 46
- Core Accelerator - 47
- Stealth Kit - 48
- Guardian Chip - 49
| Prestige
Auch wird ein aus CoD und Crysis bekanntes System einzug halten, das Generations- oder auch Prestige-System
Wie in CoD und Crysis 3 wird man beim erreichen des max. Ranges 50, die möglichkeit haben den Rang auf 0 zu setzten und mit verbesserten Statuswerten des Spielers neu zu starten. Bis jetzt ist von 10 Generationen die Rede.